Agency's Scheme of Work

Eventum-premo advertises their scheme of work to Clients as a ‘one window’ mode. This concept is a huge network of people involved with projects but only one project manager is in direct contact with the Client. They are the first point of contact for the Client if they have any questions, queries or just want an update on the progress of the event. Here is how the one window mode works in a diagram.



  Director in charge of
work with Clients è

   Project Leader

 ç    Owner

      Event Department

 Creative Department

I believe this way of communicating with the Client is very efficient as there is only one point of contact, which is the Project Leader. This avoids confusion between the Client and the agency as well as confusion within the different departments of the agency. This highlights to me the importance of the project leaders role and how they must be on top of operations and communications at all times.

I have been able to view presentations on up and coming projects with potential ideas for the particular event. These presentations are then pitched to the Client in the hope the agency will be selected for the project; this is where evetum-premo portrays the one window mode to the Client. Reading through the presentations it is evident how much work goes into creating the ideas and pulling together the pitch to present to the Client. Each stage of the event has to be conveyed to the Client in detail in order for them to capture the true atmosphere you are wishing to create for their event. For example if you are wishing to create a video for the opening of an event, the presentation will have to provide a detailed account of exactly what the video contains and a description of the running order of the entire video.

It is evident to me that eventum-premo make sure they produce the highest quality of work in order to secure the bid and the business of the Client.

Although bids may be won on the basis of one idea, it is possible however, for the Client to want to change that idea or produce new ones.  This to me shows the importance of portraying to the Clients within the presentations not only your creative ideas for the event, but also how the agency will operate in regards to the event, the Client agency relationship and the overall strategy of the agency. These are extra selling points for an agency; so for example the Client may not prefer your idea to competitors ideas, but may prefer the way in which your agency operates and its strategy, so feel they would be able to create a more desired working relationship, environment to create the best event possible and the potential of building a long term relationship.  

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