Video Production

Today, I had the opportunity to talk and to question a member of the video production team here at evetum-premo.  I should mention what a unique asset a production team like this is to the event agency, many have to outsource such resources, whereas eventum-premo can offer a full service to their clients. To begin with the language barrier was a bit of a struggle and made it hard for me to interpret some of the answers to my questions, luckily another college was able to help translate and hopefully my information is all accurate.
This was my first exposure to video production and I was interested in how the videos came together, what different roles have to be filled in order to complete a video and to see how involved the clients are in the process and what time scales they have to work too.
What I found out: Videos are on average around 2-3 minutes long and to my surprise only take 1-2 days to complete, rarely more. There are four members on the team and they make videos for each stage of the event process the pre-event period, for use during the event and post event videos.
Adobe Master Collection  is used to create the videos and there are four programs used, one for audio, two for video and one for editing. Sometimes it can be hard to find inspiration as it is not uncommon for the client to be relying on the production team to come up with the ideas and have none themselves. Therefore it would have to take a creative person to fulfill this job as the videos are produced from scratch. As a result of this several versions of one video may have to be produced due to the client not being completely happy with the results. Previously the team have been asked to adjust a video twelve times, but on average it only takes three attempts.
I was curious as to what aspects were most challenging about the video production process as from the view of an outsider it seems a highly technical job. Two points were highlighted; receiving several separate videos and editing them to combine into one video and secondly, producing a graphic when there is no direction from the client.

Current Projects: Oriflame Stockholm 2013.
The production team here at eventum - premo received only two pictures from the organisation to give an impression of the colour scheme and the logos that should be used. They are currently working on three different versions of the video for Oriflame, presenting them with a variety of ideas to ensure that at least one satisfies them.  
If the opportunity to create more than one version of a video for a client is available and the current workload is manageable in order to do so, then they will be created. Again offering a number of options creating a better likely hood of one being accepted. The team may also have a tight schedule to run too, as clients can often be impatient and want the videos on the same day they request them and expect a hasty turn around.

Video production is a busy department and can expect to be working on three projects at any one time. However, during busy times such as New year they can become extremely busy, for example they were telling me at New Year just past they were working on fifteen projects simultaneously.
Overall, it was very interesting learning about video production, as I previously mentioned I have never had the opportunity to do so before and was able to see how the department works.

Some examples of their work:


Bacardi: The Place

The Office

 Having never worked in an office environment before, not only is it my first time working abroad, it is my first time working for an established company. I myself have always thought of offices as grim, unexciting and uninspiring places that are intimidating and all in all not a pleasant environment. This is definitely not the feeling when I come into work here at eventum- premo.

The open plan office space encourages interaction between all colleagues and eliminates hierarchical intimidation creating relaxing surroundings, essential for producing good work. The neutral décor, constant reminders of the company’s’ ‘Love’ strategy, meaning that we like what we do and are in love with our jobs, through props and the subtle robot man sitting in the office, keep you focused on what is trying to be achieved as well as making the office an interesting place to be.

There are also designated areas where you are able to relax such as the kitchen where you can make tea or coffee and have a bite to eat if you need a quick break and a sofa area where you can relax or play on the foosball table. They can also be used as neutral places to have meetings and discuss your work, however, there is also a meeting room where private meetings and clients can be met if needed.

In comparison with office space back in the UK, which is often segregated and those higher up in organisations have their own room, all be it with an open door policy, I feel the working environment at eventum-premo is modern, innovative and encourages a better work ethic.

The First Event

Saturday May 25th, this morning I attended my first eventum- premo event. I went to experience and observe the opening of a new neighbourhood.  This was the event previously mentioned that was using the cardboard props, so luckily, the weather held out blessing the event with beautiful sunny weather.

As I understand the event was held privately, and the sole purpose was to bring together the community that had purchased property within the complex.  Walking to the entrance I was greeted by a registration stand and an enlarged map of the site indicating where all attractions were situated.
Arriving at 11 am the event was still building momentum giving me a chance to observe all activities clearly such as a science activity station, ginger bread decorating, marry me station and an angry birds activity station. All activities were very appropriate for pulling people together, especially children. The main area was set up with food and drink tents with a wide choice to choose from all facing a main stage where later members of the community were brought to the stage introducing themselves, again further encouraging everyone to interact. As the day went on the crowd built, forming queues at registration and creating a buzz around the site similar to that of a community fair atmosphere.


Making the event special and different were the unexpected forms of entertainment, such as stilt walkers and morph dancers engaging passing children and adding an element of theatre. The use of gimmick passports to navigate your way around the event site collecting stamps at each area was another element adding interest and excitement encouraging everyone to visit the full site.

Overall, the event was perfectly executed for the purpose of bringing these new neighbours together, however, in comparison to events back in the UK members of the event team were not easily recognisable if you needed assistance and I was unable to see the eventum-premo logo anywhere around the event. Any opportunity to advertise, I feel should be taken advantage of. Despite this it was a great introduction to seeing the plans of an event realised, stimulating my desire to experience more.

So it Begins...

Emma Donaldson is my name, I am a third year student studying Event Management (BA Hons) at Queen Margaret Unoversity Edinburgh . Today is my first day as an intern at eventum-premo  a Moscow based event and PR company. My first point of contact with the company was during a visit to Moscow in April so I knew something of the type of working environment I was about to enter. However, the nerves still kicked in, how was I going to cope with language barriers, the metro and working in a foreign country. 
The morning started off with an introduction to the organisation, eventum-premo; what they are all about and a background to previous achievements of the company. In the afternoon I was formally welcomed to the company by Alexander Shumovich, one of the founders of the company, and discussed my role here at eventum-premo beginning with tasks such as a short presentation to introduce myself to the rest of the work force. I expressed my interest in the production side of event management and later was shown presentations on previous projects. They included 3D designs projecting the desired finish of the event aesthetics and these projections being realised. I was also talked through a few obstacles that had arisen in the past to do with setting up the event staging. An event is to take place on the 25th of May regarding the opening of a new neighbourhood in Moscow, I was shown the progress of the props and decorations to be used. A company supplying cardboard props and signage have been selected for this event, the use of this company and its cardboard material follows the eco friendly trend that I had previously studied at university. 
Creating a booking agency database is the next task assigned to me, it has to be focused on international artists, as being international myself I have a possible wider knowledge of potential acts out with Russia from the UK and mainland Europe. A list of artists with links to contact details and possible booking prices are also to be produced, these tasks are on going.
My nerves eased throughout the day as I settled in and all employees were extremely welcoming, I am intrigued to see what challenges will be passed my way in the coming weeks.