The Office

 Having never worked in an office environment before, not only is it my first time working abroad, it is my first time working for an established company. I myself have always thought of offices as grim, unexciting and uninspiring places that are intimidating and all in all not a pleasant environment. This is definitely not the feeling when I come into work here at eventum- premo.

The open plan office space encourages interaction between all colleagues and eliminates hierarchical intimidation creating relaxing surroundings, essential for producing good work. The neutral décor, constant reminders of the company’s’ ‘Love’ strategy, meaning that we like what we do and are in love with our jobs, through props and the subtle robot man sitting in the office, keep you focused on what is trying to be achieved as well as making the office an interesting place to be.

There are also designated areas where you are able to relax such as the kitchen where you can make tea or coffee and have a bite to eat if you need a quick break and a sofa area where you can relax or play on the foosball table. They can also be used as neutral places to have meetings and discuss your work, however, there is also a meeting room where private meetings and clients can be met if needed.

In comparison with office space back in the UK, which is often segregated and those higher up in organisations have their own room, all be it with an open door policy, I feel the working environment at eventum-premo is modern, innovative and encourages a better work ethic.

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